Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Have you seen a chicken, a BROWN chicken?


Well, that's a horse above, isn't it? Apparently, it's a stud in fact, from the 
'stud garden', Stuttgart. Well, of course, as we all know, it's the Porsche 
badge, and you might be interested in what's it got to do with brown chickens.

After missing most of my last week's regular walks (due to unseasonal 
humidity in Sydney), I bit the bullet today, encouraged by the forecast for 
showers, and headed off for the longer walk in my repertoire, that usually 
takes at least one and a half hours to complete. The forecast was for a few 
showers, but instead of being rained on, I got sunned on, again, and got home 
sweating heaps (sorry for the cop-out, I couldn't think of a suitable ending for 
sweating like a ???, I tried googling it, but the ones on the first page were not 
funny, not funny at all).

When I got to Clareville I took my normal detour along Delecta Avenue, the 
beach-side street of multi-million dollar houses and the quaintly named 
gourmet restaurant Clareville Kiosk. There was this car parked outside 
somebody's garage that caught my interest. It wasn't because it was illegally 
parked (it didn't even occur to me), but because it
w a s   j u s t   g o r g e o u s!

A 50 year old silver Porsche 1600!

I started taking photos of it (funny - I haven't had a camera on me for some 
time now during my walks, and suddenly when I did take it along, as in today, 
there were so many interesting things to photograph!). Well, I noticed this 
young lady (in her nice summer dress in orange, my favourite colour at the 
moment), carrying a baby, approaching. Getting closer, when I was busy 
clicking my camera, she addressed me: "Are you a Parking Inspector?". Well, I 
was wearing a kind of council green shorts, and a grey t-shirt, so I guess her 
interpretation was understandable, especially since her car was illegally 
parked, and she was on the lookout for the rangers, I assume. We established 
that I wasn't, so I had to justify myself taking photos of her car, so I just said 
"Gorgeous car!", which she agreed with, as she would, I guess. "Have you 
seen a chicken, a brown chicken? We've lost it", she said.

These seeds I spotted at just around the corner, on the street, still at Delecta 
Avenue, before getting back onto Hudson Parade. Made me think of another 
luxury German Auto Maker, Mercedes Benz:

Back in December, on a cloudy day, I took this photo on the right (see the post 
here). Today, going past the same spot, I thought of replicating the image on a 
normal summer day, without exactly remembering the exact spot I was the 
last time. Not bad; both photos were taken almost from the very same angle.

Wang Yuping
Bird And Person Series #7, man with black bird and red ear, 1998
Acrylic, ink, oil pastel on paper, 109 x 79 cm
Esa Jaske Collection

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Books by Ridou Ridou