Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today's Walk I - Bananas


The price of bananas here in Australia continues to be very high due to the 
Cyclone Yasi - here's a news item a couple of days ago from the ABC (Australian 
Broadcasting Corporation) website 

High banana prices may stay, expert says
By Lauren Day
Posted Fri May 27, 2011 7:50am AEST

A food security expert says the surge in banana prices shows that Australia needs a national food 
plan to avoid a crisis.

Months after Cyclone Yasi devastated 75 per cent of the north Queensland banana crop, the price 
of bananas has gone as high as $15 a kilogram.

Professor Michael D'Occhio from the University of Queensland says Australians may have to get 
used to soaring food prices.

"We may not continue to enjoy the availability and price of food that we've enjoyed up until now," 
he said.

He says Australia needs a plan and a change in attitude.

"People in developed countries have this sort of mindset that everything should be available and it 
should be at a price that they think they should be paying," he said.

"It also reflects how spoilt we are as Australians in that we want to continue to have the luxury of 
walking into the supermarket.

"Every time we do that, having on display in front of us - all the kinds of fruit and vegetables and 
dairy products and meat products that we're accustomed to - having laid out in front of us."

Professor D'Occhio says rising populations around the world are also putting upward pressure on 
food prices.

"The national psyche hasn't really realised what's occurring globally in terms of the demand for 
food and in particular the fresh, healthy, nutritious, safe and consistent food Australia provides," 
he said.

He says the global demand for food is expected to double by 2050.

A banana plant at Avalon:

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