Monday, July 11, 2011

Aalto Vase (the largest one)


A famous 1937 Alvar Aalto design, this Iittala Aalto Vase is the tallest of the 
range, measuring all but 60 cm (about 24").  We were doing mid-winter garden 
maintenance, and pruned some plants (including cutting off some huge leaves of 
a Monstera looking plant whose name escapes me).  The cut leaves are in the 
Aalto vase that I moved around in the house for photos, and the other plant in 
this set is our Hardenbergia vine, which is one of the first spring flowers in our 
garden. I never stop marvelling how we here in Sydney start getting spring 
flowers opening in the middle of our winter, considering I'm from cold climate 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful...your home and the vase. The Aalto vase, along with the Sarpaneva Orkidea and Marcel and the Orrefors Squeeze are my very favorite vases.


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